

Does our doodling, and more importantly, what we doodle say anything about us? I was started down this path of doodle contemplation by James Gurney and his wife's random doodle. On his blog he has posted a widget where you can cast your vote as to what you doodle.

I think it depends on my mood as to what kinds of things I
doodle. I find myself in faculty meetings doodling images that relate to the presenter's subject or a random phrase that catches my fancy and begs to be visualized. If I'm at home with some free time on my hands (a rare bird indeed) and trying to decide whether to draw, knit, sew, paint, or do some creative Photoshop or Illustration work, I tend to doodle weird things. Maybe it is my way of attempting to focus my mind. Sometimes it works.

Time magazine has a study posted that doodling actually aids us in paying attention during meetings and lectures. Good news for me.

NPR also questions,
"Bored? Try Doodling" Seems we doodlers are in good company. NPR also quotes from the same study by Jackie Andrade, a professor of psychology at the University of Plymouth.

Wired among others got in on the doodling study.

My included doodles on this post are just a sampling. I also doodle a lot of trees.
Trees and natural objects make me feel good. I cannot explain it any better than that and even though I push my students to defend choices in their art and design with more than a "I like it, it makes me feel good" defense, I believe what you doodle should be nurturing to you if you need it. Trees are my nurturing imagery.

What do you doodle? Do your doodles involve exotic escapes? faces? robots? Have fun and always be creative!

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