
Life's Been Busy!

Needless to say being a new teacher is very intense. I really love it even though I'm busier than ever keeping up with all the stuff that goes along with daily teaching. It will get easier and then I'll be able to once again blog and create artwork for me.

We are going into my favorite season of Autumn. I love the way you can see and smell the changes in the air. I especially love the early mornings. The wee bit of crisp in the air is heaven. The turning leaves (which may be soon) are breathtaking on my street. I'm sure I will enjoy numerous mornings walking to work through their loveliness.

My garden has all but expired due to drought and inattention these past few weeks. Ah well, there is always next year. The above chestnut photo was taken last year in my front yard. I would like to tell you we've enjoyed a few of these great nuts, but we haven't been able to harvest any nuts before our squirrel population does. And who could blame them? We have, in addition to the chestnut tree, pecan, walnut and hickory nut trees. These are mixed in with several very old white oaks. Squirrel heaven around here.

I wanted to touch base with everyone. I am still here. Still creating, although currently, for a different purpose. Life is good.

Until later - Happy Mornings to All of You!

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